• Original research article
  • August 19, 2019
  • Open access



The period of the 1950-1960s is an important stage in the domestic porcelain industry development, which obtained a mass character under the conditions of new state guidelines. In today’s scientific discourse, an exclusively utilitarian attitude to the Soviet mass large-circulation porcelain is replaced by interest and desire to include porcelain history in culturological and art criticism studies. Simultaneously, there is an intensification of collection and exhibition activity using porcelain samples of mass production. At the same time, there is still no corpus of studies devoted to the comprehensive research of porcelain products of factories that actively supported the mass character of artistic industry. In this regard, one of the topical tasks of modern art criticism is the research of the assortment of interior plastic art of the little-studied Leningrad Porcelain Factory of the 1950-60s. Using the example of sculptural products of Leningrad artists of the factory, the author conducts a comparative-contrastive analysis, during which the main thematic and plot groups are singled out, and an analysis of composition solutions characteristic of the representation of a specific topic - childhood - is conducted.


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Author information

Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Ivanova

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 28, 2019.
  • Published: August 19, 2019.


  • советский фарфор
  • интерьерная пластика
  • Ленинградский завод фарфоровых изделий
  • детские образы
  • образ детства в фарфоровой пластике
  • Тамара Андриановна Федорова
  • Лев Наумович Сморгон
  • ленинградский фарфор 1950-1960-х годов
  • Soviet porcelain
  • interior plastic art
  • Leningrad Porcelain Factory
  • children’s images
  • childhood image in porcelain plastic art
  • Tamara Andrianovna Fedorova
  • Lev Naumovich Smorgon
  • Leningrad porcelain of the 1950-1960s


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