• Original research article
  • September 10, 2019
  • Open access



The paper aims to describe social practices contributing to the formation or assimilation of meanings of atypical corporal existence in sociocultural space. The author’s approach is based on the principles of social constructionism and on the theory of social communicativeness. Analysing the perception of atypical corporeality in the modern mass media culture, the researcher concludes that the very notion of “norm” and “abnormality” is ambiguous. The paper analyses the processes determining the specificity of atypical body representation, which is ambiguous nowadays due to the existence of multi-cultural meaningful space.


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Author information

Anna Aleksandrovna Rusanova

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 28, 2019.
  • Published: September 10, 2019.


  • телесность
  • социальная философия
  • атипичность
  • массовые коммуникации
  • символизм
  • corporeality
  • social philosophy
  • atypicality
  • mass communications
  • symbolism


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© 2019 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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