• Original research article
  • October 21, 2019
  • Open access



The article provides a heterological analysis of philautia, “self-love”, in the context of the ancient, medieval and Renaissance philosophy of love. The paper identifies the status of self-love in most influential conceptions of love of the mentioned periods, emphasizes the fact that this status is determined by the approach to the ontological problem of identity and otherness. The authors conclude that recognizing self-love as a basic and constitutive form of love (Eros) is typical of monistic and monistic-oriented ontologies (Platonism, Neo-Platonism, Aristotelianism, et al.). The relation of monism and self-love is explicitly represented in the works of Renaissance Neo-Platonic Franciscus Patricius. He claims that “the Other” can be loved only as an image of oneself (alter ego), which presupposes the reduction of his otherness in relation to identity. A different situation is observed in Christianity, where amorous relations between “the Others” constitute the ontology of the God itself. Here love (agape) exclusively means an attitude towards “the Other” as “the Other”, i.e. a unique personality.


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Author information

Semen Aleksandrovich Zharinov

Industrial University of Tyumen

Irina Anatol'evna Bulgakova

Industrial University of Tyumen

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 30, 2019.
  • Published: October 21, 2019.


  • любовь
  • себялюбие
  • эрос
  • агапэ
  • каритас
  • философия любви
  • тождество
  • различие
  • инаковость
  • Другой
  • гетерология
  • love
  • self-love
  • Eros
  • agape
  • caritas
  • philosophy of love
  • identity
  • difference
  • otherness
  • “the Other”
  • heterology


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