• Original research article
  • December 31, 2019
  • Open access



The article considers the perception of “radical orthodoxy”, in particular its conception of “cultural theology”, in the Orthodox thought. According to the author, Georges Florovsky’s conception of neo-patristic synthesis and certain conceptions associated with Palamism and onomatodoxy could serve as a basis to develop cultural theology within Orthodoxy. The researcher points out that Orthodox theologists’ cognitive style differs cardinally from western theological trends and argues that the term “orthodoxy” is irrelevant in relation to the “radical orthodoxy” trend. At the same time, the author shows that Orthodox theologists and radical orthodoxy face some common problems involving struggle with secularism.


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Author information

Evgenii Aleksandrovich Belzhelarskii

Russian Expert School

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 9, 2019.
  • Published: December 31, 2019.


  • Г. Палама
  • Г. Флоровский
  • Дж. Милбанк
  • имяславие
  • культурная теология
  • неопатристический синтез
  • православие
  • радикальная ортодоксия
  • универсальная теология
  • G. Palamas
  • G. Florovsky
  • J. Milbank
  • onomatodoxy
  • cultural theology
  • neo-patristic synthesis
  • Orthodoxy
  • radical orthodoxy
  • universal theology


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