Autobiography in the Context of Mythological and Rational Conception of Existence
The modern human perceives the surrounding world through a variety of sociocultural forms. Studying the philosophical problem of interaction and correlation of scientific and non-scientific knowledge allows developing new theoretical frameworks. Axiological determination of autobiography is an important aspect of the modern reader’s perception. The article provides an analysis of the autobiography genre taking into account mythological and rational ways to perceive the reality. In the modern world, mythological consciousness comes out as the highest form of systematicity available to everyday consciousness. Human consciousness perceives such knowledge without interpreting it. Rational knowledge is based on abstract thinking. Abstractness broadens the framework of sensual perception and makes the acquired knowledge truly scientific. Autobiography is a synthesis of rational and mythological, which allows considering it as a new form of human culture.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 9, 2019.
- Published: March 31, 2020.
- автобиография
- миф
- рациональное
- самопознание
- бытие
- социокультурная ситуация
- autobiography
- myth
- rational
- self-cognition
- existence
- sociocultural situation
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