Stoic “Indeterminable Determination” as a Link in the Chain of Cause-and-Effect Relations in Polybius’ “Histories”
The article presents results of the author’s research dedicated to certain issues of the Stoic philosophy and creative work of the Greek historian of the II century BC, Polybius from Megalopolis, the author of 40-volume “Histories”, which cover the period of the Greek and Roman history from 222 to 146 BC. The paper identifies to what extend Polybius was influenced by popular religious beliefs and by the Stoic doctrine in relation to the irrational notion Tyche, which in the context of Polybius’ work is defined as “indeterminable determination”. As a result the author proves that Polybius was mostly influenced by popular religious beliefs, since the Tyche notion wasn’t commonly used in the Stoic philosophy.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: January 14, 2020.
- Published: March 31, 2020.
- Полибий
- «Всеобщая история»
- причинно-следственные связи
- «неопределимая предопределенность»
- случайность и закономерность исторических событий
- судьба-случай
- Polybius
- “Histories”
- cause-and-effect relations
- “indeterminable determination”
- randomness and regularity of historical events
- fate-chance
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