• Original research article
  • July 15, 2020
  • Open access

Problems of Philosophical Interpretation of Complex Technical SMART-Systems


The research aims to identify specific features and cognition orientation of modern complex technical systems as a phenomenon integrating multiple entities: from economic and production ones to management systems, which necessitates integration of multiform patterns and properties into a single methodological framework. Scientific novelty of the study lies in using B. I. Kudrin’s technocenosis approach, which represents a brand new philosophical branch - philosophy of technetique - as the basic theory. The main idea of this approach can be based upon inextricable link and interdependence between machines, technologies, materials, consumer products, etc., in which every component is identified by a document and at the same time functions as an object of study and management, i.e. a peculiar kind of integrated technocenosis. The authors substantiate such integration by using the participative method, which makes it possible to link together various theoretical sources touching upon issues of philosophy of technology and philosophy of engineering. As a result of the study, the basic foundations of cognition of complex technical systems defining the need to use the cenosis theory for their description and design are offered.


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Author information

Mustafa Ansari

Rostov State University of Economics

Alexander Nikolaevich Kuzminov

Rostov State University of Economics

Irina Georgievna Paliy

Rostov State University of Economics

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 19, 2020.
  • Published: July 15, 2020.


  • философия техники
  • инженерия
  • сложные технические системы
  • техноценоз
  • проектирование
  • philosophy of technology
  • engineering
  • complex technical systems
  • technocenosis
  • designing


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