Mass Anti-Catholic Protests of 1688: Revolutionary Excesses or Struggle with Counter-Revolution in England?
The article traces origins of mass anti-Catholic protests of 1688-1689 (the so-called Glorious Revolution) and tries to answer the question whether it was struggle with counter-revolution or merely revolutionary excess. Relying on an analysis of the English-language historiography and authentic sources, the author examines essence of the Glorious Revolution, considers genesis and manifestations of anti-Catholicism in England, the role of William of Orange as a defender of Protestantism. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that religious confrontation between Protestants and Catholics is considered from the viewpoint of its role in balancing revolutionary and anti-revolutionary forces. The following conclusions are justified: anti-Catholic protests of 1688 should be looked upon as excesses, reaction of the population stuffed with religious propaganda; nevertheless, these protests, taking into account the time and place, political goals, became an important element of struggle with potential counter-revolution, a form of protection of Protestant values as dominant ideology of the Glorious Revolution.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 4, 2020.
- Published: August 31, 2020.
- Славная революция
- контрреволюция
- массы
- антикатолицизм
- протестантизм
- Вильгельм Оранский
- агитация
- Glorious Revolution
- counter-revolution
- masses
- anti-Catholicism
- Protestantism
- William of Orange
- agitation
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