• Original research article
  • November 3, 2020
  • Open access

Digitalisation of Education: Myth of Multitasking


The study aims to substantiate illusory, mythological nature of the idea of multitasking, rooted in mass consciousness, as a kind of special cognitive ability formed through the use of information technologies, as a positive aspect of clip thinking. The analysis of the Russian and foreign published works, which mention multitasking, has revealed that the authors attribute different content to this term: while foreign sources understand multitasking as a mode of operation with many distractions, the Russian sources treat it as a person’s ability to perform several operations simultaneously. The work shows that the idea of multitasking as a positive cognitive ability, formed on the basis of a child’s early introduction to simultaneous use of various electronic devices, is one of social myths generated by informatisation and digitalisation of the society. The study has identified the origins of mythologised ideas of the phenomena associated with digitalisation of education. Scientific novelty of the research lies in substantiating the necessity to dispose of mythologised ideas associated with informatisation in order to bring about positive changes in the Russian education system. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the idea of multitasking is of illusory nature as a personality trait associated with the use of information technologies; that the main disadvantage of using the multitasking mode for educational purposes is its negative impact on formation of a person’s cognitive sphere, personal knowledge. Simultaneous use of several devices results in meditative thinking development inhibition, therefore, it prevents actualisation of a person’s creative potential.


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Author information

Elena Vitalievna Polikarpova

Southern Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 26, 2020.
  • Published: November 3, 2020.


  • многозадачность
  • информационно-коммуникационные технологии
  • мифология
  • социализация
  • образование
  • высшие психические функции
  • личность
  • multitasking
  • information and communications technology
  • mythology
  • socialisation
  • education
  • higher mental functions
  • personality


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