• Original research article
  • November 3, 2020
  • Open access

Cult of Sport in England: History of Formation


The paper aims to reveal essence of the cult of sport in England. The research problem is as follows: historical development of sport and its assertion as a national symbol. The author tries to prove that the English national sport represents the basic features of the national character. It is shown that the national sport influences directly the process of the national spirit formation. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that sports games are analysed from the viewpoint of their cultural value at different stages of the nation formation. The research findings are as follows: the author reveals specificity of the “sport” concept in the English language, identifies certain features of the English national character, justifies key importance of sport as an element of the national culture.


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Author information

Ekaterina Sergeevna Zhuneva

Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 25, 2020.
  • Published: November 3, 2020.


  • культ спорта в Англии
  • культурная значимость
  • национальный символ
  • менталитет
  • cult of sport in England
  • cultural value
  • national symbol
  • mentality


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© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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