Anaximander of Miletus as “Father of Metaphysics”
Analysing Anaximander’s philosophy, the authors try to identify origins of classical metaphysics. The article highlights specificity of philosophical thinking as an activity focused on studying essential issues, which allows offering a new interpretation thus promoting further development of philosophical science. The researchers consider formation of an integrated conceptual field of modern philosophical thinking on the basis of actualization of historical and philosophical material, which constitutes scientific originality of the paper. The research findings are as follows: the authors reveal specificity of philosophical thinking as an activity focused on studying essential issues with a view to develop modern problematics.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 12, 2020.
- Published: November 30, 2020.
- культура философского мышления
- Анаксимандр
- апейрон
- математизация философии
- culture of philosophical thinking
- Anaximander
- apeiron
- mathematization of philosophy
© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC