Editor-in-Chief’s Column
National History
- A. V. Martynenko
- N. A. Mileshina
- L. A. Potapova
General History
Historiography, Source Study and Historical Research Methods
- T. P. Vanchikova
- O. S. Rinchinova
- M. V. Ayusheeva
- Z. A. Magomedova
- Z. B. Ibragimova
Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
History of Philosophy
- A. A. Romashchenko
- M. A. Romashchenko
- E. R. Fakhrudinova
- V. V. Suvorov
Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
- S. I. Sulimov
- D. D. Tregubova
- R. A. Cherenkov
Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies
- E. G. Trubina
- Lubna Saeed
Social Philosophy
- A. I. Evdokimov
- A. P. Nikitin
Musical Art
- S. A. Aizenshtadt
- A. L. Minyonok
Visual, Decorative and Applied Arts and Architecture