Party and Political Struggle in the British House of Commons on the Problem of Formation and Ratification of the Maastricht Treaty (1990-1992)
The paper aims to describe the major British political parties’ attitude to the Maastricht Treaty (1990-1992). This problem influenced Britain’s relations with the EU member states. Relying on a wide range of previously unpublished sources (proceedings of the House of Commons), the author examines the Conservative and Labour Party representatives’ approaches to the problem of formation and ratification of the Maastricht Treaty, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. The research findings are as follows: the author identifies the factors determining the major British politicians’ attitude to the Maastricht Treaty, reveals their views on the essence of the European integration in 1990-1992 and defines the parties’ “red lines” in negotiations with the European partners.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 14, 2020.
- Published: November 30, 2020.
- консерваторы
- лейбористы
- европейский договор
- Великобритания
- Маастрихтский договор
- Conservatives
- Labourists
- European Treaty
- Great Britain
- Maastricht Treaty
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