Quranic Ontology
The study aims to identify specific features of Quranic ontology. Difference between the notions “Quranic worldview” and “Quranic ontology” is demonstrated. Quranic ontology amounts to philosophical considerations of worldview presented in the Quran, its critical analysis. The study is novel in that it provides rationale for: a) legitimacy of apophatic nature of Islamic theology; b) teleological reasoning behind the world’s creation in the Quran. The research findings are as follows: the main objects of Quranic ontology are the God and a man. The God is interpreted in the Quran in the spirit of the apophatic tradition - as “neither this, nor that”. The Quranic man is the most prefect creation of the God. All the other creations are made taking into account a man’s existence.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 25, 2020.
- Published: December 30, 2020.
- Коран
- Бог
- человек
- апофатическая теология
- Quran
- God
- man
- apophatic theology
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