Role of Percussion Instruments in G. Dmitriev’s Orchestral Works
The research objective includes identifying the role of percussion instruments in G. Dmitriev’s orchestral works. The author emphasizes the fact that in G. Dmitriev’s orchestral works, percussion instruments are subdivided into groups, each of which performs its own functions. Percussion instruments with indefinite pitch fully participate in orchestral texture formation and percussion instruments with definite pitch serve to transfer the figurative-associative meaning of a tone. Scientific originality of the study involves revealing functions of percussion instruments in the composer’s works. The conducted research allows concluding that the composer’s use of percussion instruments is determined by his authorial intention; the role of percussion instruments throughout a composition varies.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 23, 2020.
- Published: December 30, 2020.
- арные инструменты без определённой высоты звучания
- ударные с фиксированной высотой звучания
- тембр
- Г. Дмитриев
- оркестровые произведения
- percussion instruments with indefinite pitch
- percussion instruments with definite pitch
- tone
- G. Dmitriev
- orchestral works
© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC