Ontological Status of Art in R. Ingarden’s Philosophy
The study aims to determine the ontological status of art in R. Ingarden’s phenomenological aesthetics. The author touches upon the issues of specificity of an art piece existence within the framework of the phenomenological approach, the problem of identity and ontological structure of an art work. The study is novel in that it develops and provides rationale for the phenomenological approach to the issue of the ontological status of art demonstrated in R. Ingarden’s works. The research findings amount to the following points. Within the framework of the phenomenological approach to existence, Ingarden shows that an art piece cannot be reduced to its material existence and that it is necessary to acknowledge its existence as being of a special non-material kind - as an intentional object. The main characteristic of a work of art, according to Ingarden, is its schematic nature, so that the content expressed by it has an infinite potential for its actualisation.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 15, 2020.
- Published: December 30, 2020.
- Роман Ингарден
- феноменологическая эстетика
- реалистическая феноменология
- онтология искусства
- идентичность произведения искусства
- Roman Ingarden
- phenomenological aesthetics
- realistic phenomenology
- ontology of art
- identity of art piece
© 2020 The Author(s)
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