New Hypothesis to Solve the Fermi Paradox
The study aims to formulate a new hypothesis to explain the Fermi paradox. The article considers development of civilisations with respect to electronic virtual reality (EVR). Special attention is paid to shifting the research from physical space to the world of EVR. The study is novel in that it puts forward the author’s hypothesis to solve the Fermi paradox based on the ontological and existential approach to the level of civilisation development. On the premise of such a prominent essential characteristic of human beings as freedom, the authors distinguish between the “hard” and “soft” world. The result of the study amounts to introducing the idea that civilisations which achieved a certain level of intellectual and moral development make a transition to EVR.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 11, 2021.
- Published: April 9, 2021.
- электронно-виртуальная реальность (ЭВР)
- «жесткий» мир
- «мягкий» мир
- парадокс Ферми
- цивилизация
- electronic virtual reality (EVR)
- “hard” world
- “soft” world
- Fermi paradox
- civilisation
© 2021 The Author(s)
© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC