Editor-in-Chief’s Column
National History
- N. P. Turova
- P. G. Danilov
Historiography, Source Study and Historical Research Methods
- G. I. Shishkin
- I. G. Shishkin
Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- M. K. Khadzhieva
- L. A. Adzhieva
History of Philosophy
- E. S. Buzhor
- V. I. Buzhor
- O. V. Shevchenko
Ontology and Epistemology
- T. D. Sterledeva
- R. K. Sterledev
Philosophy of Science and Technology
Social Philosophy
- L. S. Demyasheva
- A. V. Ryazanov
- V. S. Erokhin
- N. V. Erokhina
- M. O. Orlov
- V. A. Syusyukin
Musical Art
- T. A. Goryacheva
- E. G. Shtennikova
- A. K. Shayakhmetova
- E. S. Krotkova
Visual, Decorative and Applied Arts and Architecture
Theory and History of Art
- O. I. Mikitinets
- O. B. Elkan
- N. V. Duvanova