Military-Historical Exhibitions in the European Monarchs’ Residences in the XIX Century: Concepts, Composition and Mutual Influence
The study aims to identify structural and thematic features of military-historical exhibitions in the European monarchs’ residences in the XIX century. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author has studied history of creating the most significant military-historical exhibitions in Russia and Europe, identified their specific features and determined mutual influence of their concepts. As a result, it is proved that military-historical exhibitions in monarchical residences were the most remarkable phenomenon of the European culture in the XIX century. The most representative of them emerged shortly after the Napoleonic Wars. Specifics of their concepts were dictated by the monarchs’ individual preferences. The most significant Russian exhibition was the Military Gallery in the Winter Palace. Its creator, Nicholas I, was particularly influenced by the Battle Hall in the King of Bavaria’s residence.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 14, 2021.
- Published: April 9, 2021.
- батальная живопись
- военная история
- резиденция
- Зимний дворец
- дворцовое художественное убранство
- military painting
- military history
- residence
- Winter Palace
- palatial artistic decoration
© 2021 The Author(s)
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