Musical-Educational Activity as Component of Spiritual Culture Development in Omsk in the 1920s
The paper aims to identify the basic stages and trends of musical education development in Omsk in the 1920s by the example of musical educational institutions activity. The article analyses activity of the musical pedagogical college, emphasizes musicians’ and teachers’ self-sacrificing work. Scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that the author reveals specificity of musical educational institutions activity in the context of the Siberian region sociocultural development, introduces archival materials into scientific circulation. The study has interdisciplinary nature and is written at the intersection of regional history and cultural studies. The research findings are as follows: the author identifies stages of musical education development, describes teachers’ and students’ creative activity, analyses musical institutions repertoire.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 24, 2021.
- Published: April 9, 2021.
- просвещение
- техникум
- опера
- репертуар
- практика
- education
- college
- opera
- repertoire
- practice
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