• Original research article
  • October 29, 2021
  • Open access

Line and Image: Structure of Reflection


The aim of the study is to identify the semiotic and cognitive resources of the image, the mobilization of which against the background of modern media culture creates conditions for the dominance of iconic content over verbal one. The scientific originality of the research lies in interpreting the image as a way of connecting acts of consciousness, as opposed to the classical representative understanding of the image, whether in the psychological or transcendental horizon. The result of the study was the thesis that it is the image that is the first form of reflection, and we find the expression of this reflection, in particular, in the perception of line and rhythm, as well as in their use as signifiers.


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The publication was carried out within the framework of the RFBR-supported scientific project No. 19-011-00371 A “Paradigmatic ‘delusions’ and their impact on culture and society”.

Author information

Konstantin Pavlovich Shevtsov


St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 12, 2021.
  • Published: October 29, 2021.


  • образ
  • линия
  • ритм
  • означающее
  • знак
  • image
  • line
  • rhythm
  • signifier
  • sign


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© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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