• Essay
  • December 4, 2023
  • Open access

The Russian musical art of the early 20th century: The alternative


The essay is devoted to characterizing a trend opposed to the onslaught of contradictions, disharmony and various destructive influences brought along by the new century in the Russian musical art of the early 20th century. This trend was embodied in the composers’ turn to the humanistic traditions of the past, as well as in the constructive and positive aspirations of modernity. The desire to defend the principles of humanism was mainly associated with the spiritual values of the Classical era. In particular, the author provides insight into the formation of neoclassicism in Russian musical art starting with the late works by P. Tchaikovsky (the orchestral suite “Mozartiana” (1887)). Special attention is paid to the works by S. Taneyev (the cantata “At the Reading of a Psalm” (1912-1915)), N. Myaskovsky (String Quartet No. 4 (1909-1910)), S. Prokofiev (Symphony No. 1 (1917)), Z. Paliashvili (the operas “Abesalom da Eteri” (1910-1919) and “Daisi” (1919-1923)). As a result, it is concluded that the sphere of humanism and harmony, despite being hardly a central trend in the context of the musical and artistic process of the 1910s, was, however, undoubtedly significant, clearly reflecting the reaction to the deforming trends of modernity. The fundamental shift in worldview that occurred in the 1910s – the first half of the 1920s was expressed in the weakening of the considered trend, the growth of contradictions.


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  3. Прокофьев о Прокофьеве. Статьи и интервью / сост., ред. и коммент. В. П. Варунца. М.: Советский композитор, 1991.
  4. С. С. Прокофьев. Материалы. Документы. Воспоминания / сост., ред., примеч. и вступ. ст. С. И. Шлифштейна. Изд-е 2-е, доп. М.: Музгиз, 1961.
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  6. Тевосян А. «Литургия» С. Рахманинова // Рахманинов С. Литургия Иоанна Златоуста: диск. М.: Мелодия, 1988.
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Author information

Aleksandr Ivanovich Demchenko


International Center of Complex Artistic Research; Saratov State Conservatory

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 12, 2023.
  • Published: December 4, 2023.


  • музыкальное искусство России начала ХХ века
  • неоклассицизм
  • классицизирующая тенденция
  • С. Танеев
  • Н. Мясковский
  • С. Прокофьев
  • З. Палиашвили
  • Russian musical art of the early 20th century
  • neoclassicism
  • classicizing tendency
  • S. Taneyev
  • N. Myaskovsky
  • S. Prokofiev
  • Z. Paliashvili


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