• Original research article
  • August 21, 2024
  • Open access

Polemical dialogue with artists of the past: On the creative heritage of E. L. Rotenberg. Unknown pages of biography


The article is devoted to the creative heritage of the Russian artist Evgeny Lvovich Rotenberg (1899-1968), whose works are presented in the leading state museums of St. Petersburg. The aim of the study is to reveal previously unknown pages of the artist’s biography; to appeal to his pictorial heritage, which has undoubted artistic value. The article sheds light on the facts of the early period of the artist’s life and the formation of his creative style under the influence of his teachers and mentors, the artists S. M. Zeydenberg, V. E. Savinsky, A. E. Karev, P. N. Filonov. The style of E. L. Rotenberg, discovered from an early age, has been preserved over time – an expressive style with the maximum permissible exposure of the momentary internal state. It is shown that, despite the lack of attention to the “style impulses of the time”, the artist often turned to the pictorial classics, entering into a plastic dialogue with the old masters. The study is novel in that it sheds light on previously unclear facts about E. L. Rotenberg’s life path. In addition, the article notes the artist’s creative feature, such as the need for the pictorial and plastic transformation of the masterpieces of the past. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that E. L. Rotenberg’s biography and the specifics of his plastic language occupy an important place in the history of Leningrad underground art.


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Author information

Olga Yuryevna Koshkina


Matisse Club Contemporary Art Gallery, Saint Petersburg

About this article

The author of the article, O. Yu. Koshkina, has provided a copy of the consent of L. M. Smorgon (copyright holder of the legacy of L. N. Smorgon, E. L. Rotenberg, L. B. Katzenelson) for the free use of the works of L. N. Smorgon, E. L. Rotenberg, L. B. Katzenelson in her scientific activities.

Publication history

  • Received: July 6, 2024.
  • Published: August 21, 2024.


  • Е. Л. Ротенберг
  • ленинградский андеграунд
  • интерпретация мастеров прошлого
  • фото и портрет Е. Л. Ротенберга
  • спонтанно-экспрессивная живопись
  • E. L. Rotenberg
  • Leningrad underground art
  • interpretation of masters of the past
  • photo and portrait of E. L. Rotenberg
  • spontaneous expressive painting


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