• Original research article
  • October 7, 2024
  • Open access

S. L. Frank on love: Existential and theonomic approaches


The aim of the study is to analyze the philosophical views of Semyon Frank on love, considered in the context of existential and theonomic approaches. Frank, a prominent Russian philosopher and thinker of the 20th century, offers a unique interpretation of love that connects personal human experiences with higher spiritual truths. The importance of this study lies in the fact that it allows for a deeper comprehension of how Frank’s concept of love relates to his broader philosophical views, including his understanding of God and human existence. The scientific novelty is connected with a more complete revelation of the understanding of love as a philosophical and spiritual phenomenon thanks to the work of Semyon Lyudvigovich Frank. His writings allow for a deeper comprehension of how personal experiences of love can be connected with universal truths and divine principles. As a result, it was determined that Frank’s ideas about love as a profound, multi-layered phenomenon that includes both personal and divine aspects open up new perspectives for philosophical and religious understanding, making it possible through love for one’s neighbor to come to a participation in the divine and the discovery of the meaning of human life.


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Author information

Evgeny Sergeevich Gorkushin

Surgut State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 31, 2024.
  • Published: October 7, 2024.


  • С. Л. Франк
  • любовь к ближнему
  • философия любви
  • любовь как основа социальной гармонии
  • человек и Бог
  • любовь как экзистенциал
  • S. L. Frank
  • love for one’s neighbor
  • love as the basis of social harmony
  • man and God
  • love as an existential


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