• Original research article
  • October 11, 2024
  • Open access

The “timbre matrix” as a research technology for timbre dramaturgy in musical works


The paper aims to draw the attention of professional musicians, composers, and musicologists to a little-studied topic. An approach to research technology, the “timbre matrix”, becomes relevant, reflecting ways to develop and means to embody timbre dramaturgy. The paper offers a view of how different timbres interact with each other, evolve over time, and shape the emotional space of a composition during the unfolding of timbre dramaturgy. The research is novel in that it is the first one to provide a definition of the “timbre matrix”, which includes ways of developing and means of embodying timbre dramaturgy that significantly improve the quality of work during the analysis of compositions. As a result of the research, the “timbre matrix” as a technology presents a “scheme” that reflects the dramaturgy of the interaction of timbres in a musical work. This scheme allows performers not only to organize and manage timbre dramaturgy, but also to enhance the quality of performance in the artistic process. Timbre dramaturgy allows the composer to express their thoughts and feelings more deeply and comprehensively than any other musical means. It opens up new horizons for creativity and enables the creation of unique and memorable works.


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Author information

Maria Alexandrovna Lebedeva

Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory; State Russian Folk Orchestra “Malachite”, Chelyabinsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 3, 2024.
  • Published: October 11, 2024.


  • тембровая матрица
  • тембровая драматургия
  • М. П. Мусоргский «Картинки с выставки»
  • timbre matrix
  • timbre dramaturgy
  • M. P. Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition”


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