Formation of new artistic techniques in the design of performances of the Russian theatrical concern at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries using the example of theatrical sketches by A. Benois, L. Bakst, N. Roerich and K. Korovin from the collections of the State Russian Museum
The purpose of the study is to identify the author’s artistic features and the processes of formation of new visual concepts in the design of performances of the Russian theatrical concern at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries in the set design works of A. Benois, L. Bakst, N. Roerich and K. Korovin, based on the analysis of rare sketches from the State Russian Museum. The article examines the key aesthetic and artistic trends that became decisive in the design of theatrical scenery during this period, as well as analyzes the influence of social, cultural and historical factors on the development of stage design. The issues such as the interaction of various art schools, the influence of European trends on Russian theatrical scenography and the development of stylistic trends in the design of performances are also considered. The research is based on the study of sketches that had not previously been shown to the general public and were not included in scientific publications, which characterizes them as a unique artistic material. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the systematization and analysis of sketches in a closed collection to identify innovative visual solutions in the context of socio-cultural changes and public attitudes of the specified period. The result of the study suggests the identification of individual artistic features in the theatrical work of each of the declared masters, which will allow us to talk about the Russian theater as a complex multifaceted system in which visual concepts are an integral part of an individual artistic solution.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 22, 2024.
- Published: December 3, 2024.
- А. Бенуа
- Л. Бакст
- Н. Рерих
- К. Коровин
- оформление театральных декораций
- театральные эскизы
- русский театр рубежа XIX-XX вв
- A. Benois
- L. Bakst
- N. Roerich
- K. Korovin
- design of theatrical scenery
- theatrical sketches
- Russian theater of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries
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