The hybridization of visual culture: The revival of analog photography in the digital age
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the revival of analog photography in a modern digital context as a cultural and aesthetic phenomenon in the setting of hybridization of visual media. The article reveals the juxtaposition of "new" and "old" analog photographs: the result of the "old" one is a printed copy, the "new" one is a digital file circulating on social media. The value of analog photography in the post-photographic era, its appeal to millennials and generation Z is determined. The scientific novelty lies in developing the concept of hybrid analog photography, which represents a rethinking of old technologies in a new context, where the digital and the analog interact on an equal basis. The results of the study prove that digital technologies complement, rather than replace, traditional analog practices.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 2, 2024.
- Published: December 11, 2024.
- аналоговая фотография
- гибридизация
- визуальная культура
- ретротопия
- цифровые технологии
- поколение миллениалов
- поколение Z
- analog photography
- hybridization
- visual culture
- retrotopia
- digital technologies
- millennials
- generation Z
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