Current characteristics and trends in the development of social network culture
The purpose of the study is to identify the current characteristics and trends in the development of social network culture. The article reveals the general conditions of functioning of modern socio-network culture (the embodiment of various forms of public knowledge, the representative and performative nature of the expression of socio-cultural reality, the cultural diffusion of offline and online environments, the dichotomy of two types of orientation in the social network space: orientation to freedom and autonomy and orientation to regulation and control). Among the most significant trends in the development of social network culture at this stage, the tendency towards the sovereignty of the information space, the active introduction of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as new forms and principles of spatial embodiment are considered. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the socio-philosophical problematization of the functioning and development of the phenomena of social network culture, taking into account current social, ideological and technological trends. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that the implementation of the considered trends cannot be reduced to a single vector and, as a result, meets the property of multivariative development, which determines the corresponding opportunities and limitations.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 2, 2024.
- Published: January 17, 2025.
- социально-сетевая культура
- социально-сетевое пространство
- искусственный интеллект
- социокультурная реальность
- фиджитальные технологии
- social network culture
- social network space
- artificial intelligence
- socio-cultural reality
- phygital technologies
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