• Original research article
  • February 5, 2025
  • Open access

The life philosophy of Generation Z


The study aims to identify the social behavior and determine the principles of the consumer culture of Generation Z. Generation Z, also known as “Zoomers”, is the latest in the list of major human generations that define social and cultural changes in the world. The article examines the key characteristics of Generation Z members, their interests, cultural values, distinctive features of media consumption, as well as the main codes of advertising influence on the young population of Russia. The scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying the social and cultural aspects of studying Generation Z and formulating key patterns of the Zoomers’ consumer culture philosophy. The study has established clear patterns in the consumer culture of Generation Z, based on the perception and filtering of digital content, and has formulated key aspects of Generation Z culture (with a prioritization of user-generated content, trust in it, and native integrations with bloggers).


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Author information

Daniil Yurievich Kolchin

National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 2, 2025.
  • Published: February 5, 2025.


  • поколение Z
  • зумеры
  • культурные ценности поколения
  • культура потребления поколения
  • медиапотребление молодого населения
  • Generation Z
  • Zoomers
  • generational cultural values
  • consumer culture of the generation
  • media consumption of the young population


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