Status of the Notion “Measure” in Human Self-Determination: From Aristotle to the German Classical Philosophy
The study aims to ascertain the need for the notion of measure as a means of forming bases for self-determination and successful interaction in the setting of fluid boundary lines of modern sociocultural environment. The article considers Aristotle’s views on relationship between the notions “measure”, “Eidos” and “boundary”, as well as ideas about measure as a boundary of self-consciousness in the German classical philosophy. Interconditionality of the notions “measure” and “boundary” in the process of self-determination is demonstrated. Scientific novelty of the work lies in determining the role of measure in specifying the notion of a person, ensuring stability of self-consciousness, actualising the task of constructive interaction between demarcated selves. As a result, the researcher has ascertained the need for meaning-making of measure, in the process of which one’s own boundaries are established and demarcation lines are drawn, which makes it possible to identify with certainty boundary entities and discover growth points of constructive interaction.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 12, 2020.
- Published: February 10, 2021.
- мера
- граница
- демаркационная линия
- Я
- самоопределение
- measure
- boundary
- demarcation line
- self-concept
- self-determination
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