• Original research article
  • July 2, 2024
  • Open access

Problems of the development of culture and art in the information society


The article deals with the problem of the development of culture and art under the influence of the evolution of information technology and the market economy. The purpose of this study is to determine the change in human cultural existence and its new aesthetic possibilities in the information society. The novelty of this work lies in the discovery of the negative impact of the digital turn on the entire cultural consciousness of society: the total loss of semantic content, the commercialization of all the main aspects of human existence, as well as the weakening of the thought processes of the mass audience lead to a shift in priorities from producing the creative process and reading the meanings laid down by the creator to background consumption of content that does not involve active reflection on the information received. The author shows that the information society creates not only new opportunities for modern man, but also very important threats: overproduction of meaning, formation of clip thinking, craving for absurdity and hedonism, loss of aesthetic freedom and the development of mass art, which turns many people into passive and tired consumers of entertainment content. All this leads to the creation of such a phenomenon as the simulation of a cultural product, when a real cultural product is replaced by its digital copy, it becomes only its own simulation. As a result of this study, it is shown that today everything that exists in our world can be turned into an artistic object, including various household items and even human emotional reactions. However, this has led all of us to the fact that art has become fragmented and commercialized. Therefore, we need to create an absolutely new and radical art that would not replicate hackneyed old ideas, but would transcend the universe, bringing the subject into new aesthetic worlds.


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Author information

Igor Sergeevich Shapovalov

Voronezh State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 13, 2024.
  • Published: July 2, 2024.


  • культурное бытие человека
  • эстетические потребности в информационном обществе
  • культурное сознание общества
  • фоновое потребление контента
  • симуляция культурного продукта
  • human cultural existence
  • aesthetic needs in the information society
  • cultural consciousness of society
  • background consumption of content
  • simulation of a cultural product


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