• Original research article
  • September 26, 2024
  • Open access

The interaction of spheres of public life in traditional and modern societies (using the example of the political sphere dominance)


The aim of the research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the dominance of the political sphere in traditional and modern societies, thus revealing common and specific features of the two types of societal functioning. The article examines the despotic regime in traditional society using the example of the Chinese imperial monarchy, while the short-lived, but vivid and illustrative rule of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia serves as a modern analogue. The scientific novelty lies in the discovery of a crucial distinguishing feature of modern society from traditional society, i.e., the notion of the subordination of society and nature to human will. According to the newly established concept of the late 18th century in Europe, the state system can change in accordance with societal demands, and the social structure should be malleable in line with the demands of individuals comprising the society. Consequently, there can be nothing immutable or permanently established in society. This approach is fundamentally alien to traditional society. As a result, the research has found that traditional society, in which political power claims absolute dominance, is more stable and diverse than modern political dictatorship, as it does not seek to eliminate any segments or spheres of public life.


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Author information

Stanislav Igorevich Sulimov


Voronezh State University

Igor Vasil’evich Chernigovskikh


Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 4, 2024.
  • Published: September 26, 2024.


  • традиционное общество
  • новоевропейское общество
  • абсолютная монархия
  • партийная диктатура
  • императорский Китай
  • Демократическая Кампучия
  • traditional society
  • modern European society
  • absolute monarchy
  • party dictatorship
  • Imperial China
  • Democratic Kampuchea


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