The idea of a superman as the basis for the formation of the personality of a modern engineer
The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the formation of values of a modern engineer in the light of the idea of transhumanism functioning in society. The article analyzes the genesis of the superman image in European culture. The growth of high-tech industries has led to the need for continuous professional development of engineering personnel in order to master technologies and understand their principles of operation, gain new knowledge, and quickly understand new technologies. The changes have also affected the value system of engineers, making them aware of the impact of existing engineering products on society, which calls for an understanding of possible ways to educate an engineer. The scientific novelty consists in analyzing the personality of a modern engineer based on correlation with the image of a superman formed in European philosophical culture, which forms and sets the direction for the development of value orientations of a modern engineer; in posing the problem of educating engineers in the light of changing educational paradigms. It is shown that the humanitarization and humanization of engineering education is necessary to maintain a balance between the progressive technization of society and ethics in order to prevent global disasters. The value system of the future engineer is important, the foundations of which are formed during university studies. As a result of the study, it was found that the development and dissemination of ideas of transhumanism affects engineering activities and, in particular, affects the educational aspect of modern engineering education.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 6, 2024.
- Published: December 26, 2024.
- ценностные ориентиры инженера
- формирование личности инженера
- образ сверхчеловека
- теория трансгуманизма
- теория биоконсерватизма
- the values of an engineer
- the formation of an engineer's personality
- the image of a superman
- the theory of transhumanism
- the theory of bioconservatism
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